

Hi Folks this is one small effort to simplify understanding, availability of The Enterprise Applications landscape. The emphasis is primarily on Enterprise Software suites available by various vendors and identify the strengths of each of them. I have made a serious effort to deep dive into the Enterprise software Suites and dig meaningful details out of them, i have also made serious effort in my personal capacity to resolve issues which we cannot find any resolution to. This is entirely a community effort and an open forum if you think i have missed or error ed on something, please feel free to contribute and evolve this discovery.

How to Use This Blog

I have arranged the content based on the technology stacks but just in case you are stuck with some deep real shit, there are good chances that you will find the issue, resolution and downloads in the quickhelp section

My Personal Favorite Quote is

Wise are those who:
First, those who manage well the circumstances which they encounter day by day; and those who can judge situations appropriately as they arise and rarely miss the suitable course of action.
Next, those who are honorable in their dealings with all men, bearing easily what is unpleasant or offensive in others, and being as reasonable with their associates as is humanly possible. Furthermore, those who hold their pleasure always under control and are not unduly overcome by their misfortunes bearing up under them bravely and in manners worthy of our common nature.
Most important of all, those who are not spoiled by their success, who do not desert their true selves, but hold their ground steadfastly as wise and sober-minded man, rejoicing no more in the good things that have come to them through chance than in those which through their own nature and intelligence are theirs since birth.
Those who have a character which is in accord, not with one of those things, but will all of them, these are wise- possessed of all the virtues.
“The tragedy is that there are many walking encyclopedias who are living failures.”

"This is Something which i am actively working on, besides blogging"

Enjoy Reading!


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