Community Service


If you think these articles, contents and quickhelp have been helpful in any manner, kindly feel free to participate and contribute. You can contribute in the following ways

1) Loose weight and save environment campaign: we are in the process of starting a campaign called "loose weight and save the environment". In this campaign the participators will be planting, nurturing and maintaining trees. we will be providing the respective details (area wise) for spots available in your neighborhood (starting with Bangalore/India) where you can plant a tree and maintain it, the plan is to do the following:

1.1) Finding the availability and then marking the spot i.e. GPS'ing it (more on this later).
1.2) Participators pick up the spot in their neighborhood and the spot gets allocated to them
1.3) Plant your own tree, name the tree by your name or by anything which is important to you. Nurture the tree daily and this will include you jogging to the site, carrying water and other nourishment to the site and maintaining it till it becomes self sufficient. 

2) Contribute articles and Content to this Blog: Kindly send over your contents to

3) Contribute to SOS:

4) Contribute to India Against Corruption:

5) Contribute to Satyamev Jayte:

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