Oracle BI Applications

1)                                             What is a BI Application

1.1) Definition
BI Application or Prepackaged BI Application can be defined as "An off the shelf available pre built BI Application which can cater to an Organization Long term BI needs and should Integrate seamlessly into the existing technical architecture". BI Application should be able to cater to every audience inside the organization i.e. from the strategic and the tactical level to the operational level and should seamlessly integrate in the technical architecture to deliver consistent business value.
This application can be simply a module implemented for a specific department for example Finance, Supply Chain or Human resource. No one today will espouse the thought that one BI tool is all one needs; However it is important to make sure that this module integrates into the larger landscape and delivers Consistent value. In such a world, a BI application may be merely a subject area of a much larger BI system that uses a particular tool. Your information is integrated across your major data sources, but the usage is tailored to a particular user community. This application should be backed up by a leading vendor and should have a long term Roadmap Consistent with the Organizational Long term plans.
This application is a common of the shelf (COTS) product and at minimum should consist of the following key components:
  •  An ETL Tool
  • Centralized Console to Manage and Recover ETL
  •  Reporting platform, A reporting engine  and a report Delivery mechanism
  •  Pre Built ETL Adaptors (Adaptors for Leading source systems)
  •  A Unified Data Model
  •  Pre Built Dashboards and Reporting contents

1.2 BI Applications Functions

The following section provides a quick checklist for the major objectives and basic minimum functions which a Pre-Built BI Application Should Support:
Faster Time to value
The BI Application suite should be able to provide quick feedback or a taste of the solution in the making. In our experience applications which provide some kind of flavor during the early phases of the implementation cycles have the highest acceptance rates.
Increases ROI
The return on investment should be high; It only makes sense to do any IT investment if the returns are at least 10 times during a5year tenure. The first thing a CFO should be asking to any application provider is the pro-rated ROI in 5 year tenure.
Seamlessly Integrates into existing architecture
The application should integrate seamlessly into the existing architecture; this also means that there should be minimum overheads of purchasing 3rd party suites and packages to support the new application.
Flexibility to customize and extend
The application should provide API’s and other features which support immediate extension to the complete suite.

Set up user security & visibility rules
Role based access to user should be supported out of box
Pre-Build ETL programs for every data source
Pre Built ETL modules (adaptors) for leading sources (ERP, CRM, SCM and other industry standard sources)
Support for Heterogeneous sources
In Built support for all the existing and future sources of an organization. This should be built in at the ETL as well as the reporting tier
Unified data model
Enterprise information should be available in a unified data model
Supports Data Lineage
Data lineage should be available out of the box
Supports Multi Currency
The application should have built-in support for Multi-Currency storage and reporting
Supports Multiple Time zones
The application should have built-in support for Multi-Time Zone reporting
Support for Conformed dimensions for drill across
Value Chain and Drill across functional areas should be supported
Support for multiple and alternate hierarchies
Inbuilt support for multiple and alternate hierarchies
Supports all kind of Fact tables
Transaction grain, Snapshot and all kind of fact tables should be supported
Robust Reporting tool in the background
The reporting tool should be a part of vendor overall solution
Provides most of the common reports and Dashboards out of the box
Standard and Most common reports should be available out of box
Extensive support for pre built metrics
Extensive library of built in metrics should be supported


                3 Oracle BI Applications Architecture

Oracle BI Applications Architecture
The Oracle BI platform includes a server and end user tools such as dashboards, query and analysis, enterprise reporting, disconnected access to the data -- all supported by a unified, model-centric server architecture. On top of this platform, there is a set of analytic applications consuming the operational data sources and delivering greater insight to larger user communities across the organization via dashboards, query and analysis, alerts, briefing books, and disconnected mode - the same tools we mentioned under the BI platform. (Fig x- Oracle BI Applications Architecture), shows the Oracle BI Applications Architecture. 

3.2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Components

This Section lists out (Fig 5 Oracle BI Application Components) the various components available inside Oracle BI Applications and how do they interact, in the following section each of these components are described in further detail.

3.2.1 Datawarehouse Administration Console

Datawarehouse Administration Console (DAC) is “a centralized console for schema management as well as configuration, administration, loading, and monitoring of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse”. DAC is a new age GUI avatar of what used to be done using multiple shell scripts/ Perl scripts to load, maintain and administer the Datawarehouse, it can only do it better and smarter. Historically the load, recovery and execution order was built using scripting languages such as Unix shell scripts, Perl etc and these scripts were executed using some kind of job scheduler (for example cron still used to be the number one favorite job scheduler of administrators).  
DAC consists of the following three components:
·         DAC Server- Executes the instructions from the DAC Client. The DAC Server manages data warehouse processes, including loading of the ETL, recovery of the ETL tasks, restarting ETL tasks in case of a failure and scheduling execution plans. It can dynamically adjust its actions based on information in the DAC repository. DAC provides various options to refresh the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse including daily, weekly, monthly or any other similar schedules.
·         DAC Client- A command and control interface for the data warehouse to allow for schema management, and configuration, administration, and monitoring of data warehouse processes. It also enables you to design subject areas and build execution plans.
·         DAC repository- Stores the metadata (semantics of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse) that represents the data warehouse processes.

3.2.2 Informatica

This is one of the industry’s leading ETL platforms that perform the extract, transform, and load (ETL) operations for the Datawarehouse.
Informatica consists of the following components
·         Informatica Services
The main administrative unit of PowerCenter is the domain. The domain contains nodes and application services that you manage in the PowerCenter Administration Console. When you install PowerCenter on a single machine, you create a domain with one node. All application services run on the node. When you install PowerCenter on multiple machines, you create a domain with multiple nodes. Install PowerCenter on one machine to create the domain and a node. Then install PowerCenter on other machines and add those machines as gateway or worker nodes in the domain. You can run the Integration Service and Repository Service on separate nodes. You manage each domain through a separate Administration Console. The PowerCenter installation process creates a service named Informatica Services. Informatica Services runs as a service on Windows and as a daemon on UNIX. When you start Informatica Services, Informatica Services starts the Service Manager, which manages all domain operations.
The following table describes the components installed with PowerCenter:

Informatica Services
This is the first service to start in the Informatica
list of services, only after this service is started that
an administrator can log into the thin client
Informatica admin console. Service manager is
primarily responsible for handling all domain
related operations include all administration,
Configuration and licensing activities. 
Repository Service
Informatica repository contains all the metadata for
Informatica, repository service manages and
monitors all the connections to Informatica
Integration Service
Informatica primary unit of code is called a
mapping and each mapping requires an integration
service to execute its ETL logic, So integration
services are take care of all the ETL executions to
The PowerCenter targets.
Metadata Manager Service
Informatica Metadata manager application manages
the metadata manager warehouse and metadata
manager service is the application service which
Executes the metadata manager application.
Reporting Service
Informatica can generate reports on the source
system data and other runtime logs, reporting service is the application service that uses data
analyzer application to create and run such reports
Web Services Hub
Informatica workflows can be exposed as web
services and web services allow applications to
access these workflows in a cloud architecture
Java Runtime Environment
The java runtime required by the Service Manager
and some PowerCenter components.
DataDirect ODBC Drivers
ODBC drivers used by the Integration Service and the PowerCenter Client

Informatica client utilities
The PowerCenter Client installation includes desktop client installations i.e. the PowerCenter and Metadata Manager Client tools. The following table describes the primary client components installed with the PowerCenter Client:
PowerCenter Client
The PowerCenter Client installation includes the following tools:
- Designer
- Repository Manager
- Workflow Manager
- Workflow Monitor
- Data Stencil
- Custom Metadata Configurator
DataDirect ODBC Drivers
ODBC drivers for use with the PowerCenter Client.

3.2.3 Pre-built Informatica content

The pre build Informatica content includes ETL repository objects, such as mappings, sessions, and workflows, and is contained in the Informatica Repository file (Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep). The following Screen shows various Adaptors available in Informatica.

The Informatica ETL content is organized as folders which in the OBIA world are termed as Adaptors, so for each source system and version there will be an adaptor folder. This adaptor folder will basically contain all the ETL components i.e all the mappings, sessions, and workflows which extract transform and load data from a particular source for a specific version will be grouped together under that adaptor folder. The adaptors are organized at two levels:
The top most logical organization is at the kind of ETL which is being supported by that adaptor, the prefix in the folder name identifies this component, these prefixes and their description are as follows:

Source dependant extracts, these extracts are the etl components which loads data directly from the source system to the staging tables.
Source Independent loads, these extracts are the etl components which load data from the staging tables to the warehouse tables
Post Load process,  most of these etl components load aggregates, support updates and deletes.
Universal Adaptors

The following table lists out the various adaptors and their descriptions:

JDE EnterpriseOne 8.11SP1 - 8.12
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for JD Edwards Enterprise version 8.11 SP1 and Version 8.12.
JDE EnterpriseOne 9.0
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for JD Edwards Enterprise version 9.0.
JDE World 9.2
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for JD Edwards World 9.2.
Oracle 11.5.10
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for Oracle ERP or Oracle Apps (ebusiness suite) version 11.5.10.
Oracle R12
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for Oracle ERP or Oracle Apps (ebusiness suite) version R12.
Oracle R12.1.1
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for Oracle ERP or Oracle Apps (ebusiness suite) version R12.1.1.
PeopleSoft 8.9
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for PeopleSoft version 8.9.
Siebel 7.8
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for Seibel Version 7.8.
Siebel 7.8 Vertical
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for industry specific Seibel Version 7.8.
Siebel 8.0
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for Seibel Version 8.0.
Siebel 8.0 Vertical
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for industry specific Seibel Version 8.0.
Siebel 8.1.1
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for Seibel Version 8.1.1.
Siebel 8.1.1 Vertical
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for industry specific Seibel Version 8.1.1
This adaptor contains ETL components such as workflows, session and mappings for universal applications (homegrown applications, excel, XML Sources etc).

3.2.4 Pre-built metadata content

All the pre-built metadata content for oracle BI Application is stored in a metadata layer called OBIEE repository (in the Oracle BI world aliased as rpd as the extension of these files is a .rpd), The Oracle BI Repository stores the metadata information and each repository is capable of storing many business models. The OBIEE repository consists of the following three layers:
·          Physical Layer
This layer defines the objects and relationships that the Oracle BI Server needs to write native queries against each physical data source. This layer is created by importing tables, cubes, and flat files from various data sources. OBIEE supports heterogeneous data sources, so an OBIEE repository is capable of Integrating data from various systems together for example in the OBIEE repository users can integrate SQL server, DB2, Oracle, Informix, xls, xml and various other formats together.
For Oracle BI Application this simple points to the BI Analytics warehouse
·          Business Layer
This layer defines the business or logical model of the data and specifies the mapping between the business model and the physical schemas. This layer determines the analytic behavior seen by users, and defines the superset of objects and relationships available to users. It also hides the Complexity of the source data models. Each column in the business model maps to one or more columns in the Physical layer. At run time, the Oracle BI Server evaluates Logical SQL requests against the business model, and then uses the mappings to determine the best set of physical tables, files, and cubes for generating the necessary physical queries. The mappings often contain calculations and transformations, and might combine multiple physical tables
For Oracle BI Application this layer represents the collection of all the stars defined in section 4.
·          Presentation Layer
This layer provides a way to present customized, secure, role-based views of a business model to users. It adds a level of abstraction over the Business Model and Mapping layer and provides the view of the data seen by users building requests in Presentation Services and other clients.
For Oracle BI Applications, The metadata content is contained in the Oracle BI Applications repository file.
The following figure shows the Oracle BI Analytics Rpd and its various layers

3.2.6 Pre-Built Reporting Content

The PRE-BUILT Reporting content is stored in OBIEE objects called catalogs, The Oracle BI actually stored objects, such as analyses, dashboards, and KPIs, that any user create using Oracle BI EE. Users have their own personal folder (My Folders), where they can store the objects that they create. The objects in a personal folder can be accessed only by the user who created and saved the content into that folder. Users can add sub-folders to their personal folders to organize their content in the way that is the most logical to them

3.2.7 Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

Oracle Analytics Warehouse is the pre-built data warehouse that holds data extracted, transformed, and loaded from the transactional database.
Naming Convention
The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables use a three-part naming convention: PREFIX_NAME_SUFFIX
The following tables details out this naming convention
Table Type

Shows Oracle Business
Analytics-specific data warehouse
application tables.
W_ = Warehouse

Unique table name.
All tables
Indicates the table type.
_A = Aggregate
_D = Dimension
_DEL = Delete
_DH = Dimension Hierarchy
_DHL = Dimension Helper
_DHLS = Staging for Dimension Helper
_DHS = Staging for Dimension Hierarchy
_DS = Staging for Dimension
_F = Fact
_FS = Staging for Fact
_G, _GS = Internal
_H = Helper
_HS = Staging for Helper
_MD = Mini Dimension
_PE = Primary Extract
_PS = Persisted Staging
_RH = Row Flattened Hierarchy
_TL = Translation Staging (supports
multi-language support)
_TMP = Pre-staging or post-staging temporary
_UD = Unbounded Dimension
_WS = Staging for Usage Accelerator

Table Types Used in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
In this section we will cover up the various types of tables inside the oracle Business Analytic Warehouse. Following are the key table types and their details:
·         Aggregate Tables
One of the main uses of a data warehouse is to sum up fact data with respect to a given dimension, for example, by date or by sales region. Performing this summation on-demand is resource-intensive, and slows down response time. The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse precalculates some of these sums and stores the information in aggregate tables. In the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, the aggregate tables have been suffixed with _A.
·         Dimension Class Tables
A class table is a single physical table that can store multiple logical entities that have similar business attributes. Various logical dimensions are separated by a separator column, such as, type or category. W_XACT_TYPE_D is an example of a dimension class table. Different transaction types, such as, sales order types, sales invoice types, purchase order types, and so on, can be housed in the same physical table. You can add additional transaction types to an existing physical table and so reduce the effort of designing and maintaining new physical tables.
·         Dimension Tables
The unique numeric key (ROW_WID) for each dimension table is generated during the load process. This key is used to join each dimension table with its corresponding fact table or tables. It is also used to join the dimension with any associated hierarchy table or extension table. The ROW_WID columns in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables are numeric. In every dimension table, the ROW_WID value of zero is reserved for Unspecified. If one or more dimensions for a given record in a fact table is unspecified, the corresponding key fields in that record are set to zero.
·         Dimension Tables With Business Role-Based Flags
This approach is used when the underlying table is the same but participates in analysis in various roles. As an example, an employee could participate in a Human Resources business process as an employee, in the sales process as a sales representative, in the receivables process as a collector, and in the purchase process as a buyer. However, the employee is still the same. For such logical entities, flags have been provided in the corresponding physical table (for example, W_EMPLOYEE_D) to describe the record's participation in business as different roles While configuring the presentation layer, the same physical table can be used as a specific logical entity by flag-based filters. For example, if a particular star schema requires Buyer as a dimension, the Employee table can be used with a filter where the Buyer flag is set to Y.
·         Fact Tables
Each fact table contains one or more numeric foreign key columns to link it to various dimension tables.

·         Helper Tables (Bridge Tables)
Helper tables are used by the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse to solve complex problems that cannot be resolved by simple dimensional schemas.  In a typical dimensional schema, fact records join to dimension records with a many-to-one relationship. To support a many-to-many relationship between fact and dimension records, a helper table is inserted between the fact and dimension tables.
·         Hierarchy Tables
Hierarchy information related to a dimension table is stored in a separate table, with one record for each record in the corresponding dimension table. This information allows users to drill up and down through the hierarchy in reports.  There are two type of hierarchies i.e fixed level hierarchies and parent child hierarchies as parent child hierarchies are complex to implement Oracle BI Application uses the the hierarchy bridge table approach to flatten hierarchies.
·         Staging Tables
Staging tables are used primarily to stage incremental data from the transactional database. When the ETL process runs, staging tables are truncated before they are populated with change capture data. During the initial full ETL load, these staging tables hold the entire source data set for a defined period of history, but they hold only a much smaller volume during subsequent refresh ETL runs. This staging data (list of values translations, computations, currency conversions) is transformed and loaded to the dimension and fact staging tables. These tables are typically tagged as <TableName>_DS or <TableName>_FS. The staging tables for the Usage Accelerator are tagged as WS_<TableName>.
The staging table structure is independent of source data structures and resembles the structure of data warehouse tables. This resemblance allows staging tables to also be used as interface tables between the transactional database sources and data warehouse target tables.
Column Naming Convention
The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse uses a standard prefix and suffix to indicate fields that
Must contain specific values. The following table elaborates more on the naming convention inside the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
Table Type
Used to store Oracle BI Applications standard or
standardized values. For example, W_%_CODE
(Warehouse Conformed Domain) and W_TYPE,
W_INSERT_DT (Date records inserted into
Code field.

_D, _DS, _FS, _G, _GS

Date field.
_D, _DS, _FS, _G, _DHL,

Correspond to the _WID columns of the
Corresponding _F table.
_FS, _DS

Indicator or Flag.
_D, _DHL, _DS, _FS, _F, _G,

Identifier generated by Oracle Business Intelligence
linking dimension and fact tables, except for ROW_
_F, _A, _DHL

A multi-language support column that holds the
name associated with an attribute in all languages
Supported by the data warehouse.

A multi-language support column that holds the
description associated with an attribute in all
languages supported by the data warehouse

System Columns
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables contain system fields. These system fields are populated automatically and should not be modified by the user. The following table lists the system columns used in data warehouse dimension tables.
Surrogate key to identify a record uniquely
Foreign key to the W_USER_D dimension that specifies the user who created the record in the source system.
Foreign key to the W_USER_D dimension that specifies the user who last modified the record in the source system.

The date and time when the record was initially created in the source system.

The date and time when the record was last modified in the source system.

This flag indicates the deletion status of the record in the source system. A value of Y indicates the record is deleted from the source system and logically deleted from the data warehouse. A value of N indicates that the record is active.
Stores the date on which the record was inserted in the data warehouse table.
Stores the date on which the record was last updated in the
Datawarehouse table.

Identifier of the source system from which data was extracted. In order to be able to trace the data back to its source, it is recommended that you define separate unique source IDs for each of your different source instances.
System field. This column is the unique identifier for the specific ETL process used to create or update this data.

Unique identifier of a dimension or fact entity in its source system. In case of composite keys, the value in this column can consist of concatenated parts.

Unique identifier for a tenant in a multi-tenant environment. This column is typically be used in an Application Service Provider (ASP)/Software as a Service (SaaS) model

3.3 Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) the end users access framework to the Oracle Business Applications. The end products such as analysis and Dashboards are created using OBIEE Answers and Dashboard manager respectively. Oracle defines OBIEE as follows:
“Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) is a comprehensive set of enterprise business intelligence tools and infrastructure, including a scalable and efficient query and analysis server, an ad-hoc query and analysis tool, interactive dashboards, proactive intelligence and alerts, and an enterprise reporting engine. The components of Oracle BI EE share a common service-oriented architecture, data access services, analytic and calculation infrastructure, metadata management services, semantic business model, security model and user preferences, and administration tools. Oracle BI EE provides scalability and performance with data-source specific optimized request generation, optimized data access, advanced calculation, intelligent caching services, and clustering.”


3.3.1 OBIEE Logical Architecture

 The highest unit of organization for an OBIEE 11g system is called an Oracle BI Domain. An Oracle BI Domain also called a WebLogic Domain consists of Java, and non-Java components, with the Java components being organized into a single unit.  The following figure shows the Oracle BI domain for an enterprise installation (Picture from owners Product manual, will be replaced upon completion of graphics)

 WebLogic domain, for an Enterprise Install, initially consists of a single Administration Server and Managed Server (described in the later sections), with the Administration Server containing the WebLogic Administration Console, Oracle Enterprise Manager and Java MBeans applications, and the Managed Server containing all the OBIEE Java components such as BI Publisher, the Action Service, the BI Middleware application and the BI Office application.
BI Server, BI Presentation Server and other “traditional” OBIEE server components (collectively referred as System Components), alongside the Java components are referred as an Instance, with each instance being managed by its own installation of OPMN, or Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server.  When we scale-out an OBIEE system over several hosts, there can be several instances, once for each host. Collectively, these instances together are termed as a Farm, in the Enterprise Manager console shown as (Farm_BI_Foundation) and Farm is something which we manage using Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.  The following figure shows the Farm_BI_Foundation.
The following sections provide further details on each component of an Oracle BI Instance

3.3.2 Administration Server

The Administration Server contains the administrative components that enable administration of a single or multimode (that is, distributed) BI domain, the sub components available inside the administration server depends on the type of installation, these installation scenarios are as follows
Ø  Enterprise Install
Fusion Middleware Control:  An administrative user interface that is used to manage the BI domain.
WebLogic Server Administration Console:  An administrative user interface that provides advanced management for WebLogic, JEE components, and security.
JMX MBeans: These are Java components that provide programmatic access for managing a BI domain.
Ø  Simple Install
The Administration Server also contains the components that comprise the Managed Server in an Enterprise Install type, such as Action Services and Oracle BI Publisher.

3.3.3 Managed Server

Managed server is a JEE container which has components such as adds (MS-office plug-in), Action services and web services. Deployed as a JEE container that runs in a dedicated Java virtual machine that provides the run-time environment for the Java-based services and applications within the system. These services and applications include BI Publisher and Oracle Real-Time Decisions. An Oracle BI domain contains one or more Managed Servers that are distributed across one or more host computers.

3.3.4 Node Manager

A node can represent a machine, a disk or a disk partition on a RAC environment. The function of a node manager is to administer and refresh the hardware components in the obiee framework. Node manager Provides process management services for the Administration Server and Managed Server processes.

3.3.5 Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) Tool

Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) is a process management tool that manages the Oracle Business Intelligence system components. OPMN supports both local and distributed process management, automatic process recycling, and the communication of process state (up, down, starting, and stopping). OPMN detects process unavailability and automatically restarts processes).
Following are some of the key functions for OPMN:
·         Provide a command-line interface for advanced users to control Oracle Fusion Middleware components.
·         Automatic restart of processes when they become unresponsive or terminate unexpectedly.
·          An integrated way to manage Oracle Fusion Middleware components

3.3.6 Java Components

Following are the key Java Components available inside the OBIEE framework:
·         Administrative Components: Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, Fusion Middleware Control, and JMX MBeans for managing all configuration and run-time settings for Oracle Business Intelligence.
·         Oracle BI Publisher: This component provides an enterprise reporting solution for authoring, managing, and delivering all types of highly formatted documents to employees, customers, and suppliers.
·         Oracle BI for Microsoft Office: This component provides the integration between Oracle Business Intelligence and Microsoft Office products.
·         Oracle BI Action Services:  This component provides the dedicated Web services that are required by the Action Framework and that enable an administrator to manually configure which Web service directories can be browsed by users when they create actions.
·         Oracle Real-Time Decisions (Oracle RTD):  This component provides enterprise analytics software solutions that enable companies to make better decisions in real time at key, high-value points in operational business processes.
·         Oracle BI Security Services:  This component provides dedicated Web services that enable the integration of the Oracle BI Server with the Oracle Fusion Middleware security platform.
·         Oracle BI SOA Services:  This component provides dedicated Web services for objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog, to invoke analyses, agents, and conditions. These services make it easy to invoke Oracle Business Intelligence functionality from Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) processes.
·         Oracle BI Presentation Services Plug-in:  This component is a JEE application that routes HTTP and SOAP requests to Oracle BI Presentation Services

3.3.7 Other Domain Contents

Includes all the necessary software, metadata, configuration files, RPD files, Oracle BI Presentation Catalog, and connection and database configuration information that are required to run an Oracle Business Intelligence system

4)                            Universal Business Adapters

Universal Business Adapters are used for sources with no pre-packaged business adapter, i.e. primarily for non standard sources such as excel, csv,.dat and in some cases legacy systems (mainframes, Cobol etc), these adaptors when used adeptly can even load data for unstructured sources (web catalogs, web logs, application server logs etc) and integrate them into the mainstream analytic warehouse. This is actually how we can define universal adaptors in the best possible way but does this definition explain it all? I hope not let’s try a real time example
You are an ever expanding organization, your sources for the OBIA analytics warehouse were well defined and standardized for example you had 3 standard source systems Ebiz, JD Edwards and PeopleSoft supplying all your products details. Now just based on your long term strategy you occupied another organization "xyz corporation", this organization is a startup company which still relies on excel to load product details, your concern now is how do you integrate the product details from xyz organization into the mainstream analytic warehouse.  Universal adaptors can resolve this problem for you; the following process explains how you can leverage universal adaptors to resolve this scenario in BIApps
1)      Open the folder SDE_Universal_Adaptor by doing a right click and selecting open
2)      Open the mapping SDE_Universal_ProductDimension
3) Map the file to the equivalent Source definition, there are two ways to do this either:
3.1) you can customize the output file from Xyz Corporation to be similar to the source definition in this mapping.
3.2) or you can change the source definition itself (change the source definition to match the output file from Xyz Corporation) but this will also require changing this mapping flow too.

4) Define a task for this mapping in the DAC execution plan:
 5) There is no pre-defined task defined for custom jobs inside DAC, so this custom Universal Adaptor Mapping needs to be defined as a task and included into the DAC process flow. Note of caution here
·         DAC determines order of execution of mappings based on some predefined algorithms so one needs to be careful on the ordering of this custom task.
·         Mappings get associated to DAC tasks through names and folders  also DAC needs some predefined parameters to execute an Informatica mapping
·          Trying this mapping as a micro etl might distort the consistency of the Datawarehouse.


 ***********************Multi Source Loads With OBIA***********************
8.1) Multi Source Loads With OBIA
Multi Source loads refer to the situation where we load data from two of more source instances of similar or dissimilar types. Some common examples include:
Ø  Loading data from two similar type instances separated geographically for example EBS 11i in US and EBS 12i in Japan
Ø   Multi source load from dissimilar instance such as an instance of Siebel 7.8 in one location and of Oracle EBS 12i in another location.
Anyways, there are two key things to be noted in the case of a multi source load and this has primarily to do with the locking mechanism if they are seeking same targets and the truncate table, drop index and analyze table sequence. These details are as follows:

Multi-Source Order of Execution
The order in which DAC loads data from the different sources that are participating in
the ETL process is determined by the priority of the physical data source connection (set in the Physical Data Sources tab of the Setup view). The Priority property ensures that tasks attempting to write to the same target table will not be in conflict.
Note this property is primarily responsible if the sources are of the same types for example EBS11i and EBS 12i then one of them can be given a priority 1 and the next physical data source a different priority
As shown in the following Figure , the Delay property is located in the Parameters subtab in the Execution Plans tab of the Execute view. You set this property to specify how many minutes an extract of a data source will be delayed after the first extract of a multiple source extract process started.
Folder Level Priorities
As shown in the following Figure, you need to set the folder level priority in the Task Physical Folders dialog box, which you by selecting Tools, then Seed Data, and then Task Physical Folders.
I know that the first question which must be immediately bothering you is if we can set the priority at the data source connection level itself then why do we need the priority at the physical folder level, well indeed there is a very specific business case for that. Imagine that you have a Seibel 7.8 and an EBS 12 implementation in US plus an EBS 12i implementation in Japan. Then what should be the best mechanism to set the priorities that these loads run in a mixed mode (combination of parallel and serial mode) and the performance is optimum. What you might have to do is first set the priorities at the data source level for the EBS sources for Japan and US, as it’s the same physical folder there is no way that we can set different priorities at the physical folder level, next you need to set the priority for Seibel at the physical folder level.

7.3 Full Load vs Incremental Loads 

One of the key concepts in OBIA is the mechanism thru which incremental and full loads have been of implemented. The details are as follows:
Ø  In Informatica almost for every mapping there will be 2 types of workflows i.e. there will one workflow for the full load and another for incremental load.
Ø   In most of the cases these workflows will be calling the same set of routines (ETL mappings) except that the Incremental workflows will have Incremental sessions that have a SQL override with a condition such as EFFECTIVE_DATE >=$$LAST_REFRESH_DATE. Due to this condition these workflows will only extract the changed data set (Delta).
Ø   Another key thing to note here is the there is a separate set of mappings for identifying records that have been physically deleted from the source system, these mappings are The primary extract (*_Primary) and delete mappings (*_IdentifyDelete and *_Softdelete) mappings. These mappings use $$LAST_ARCHIVE_DATE mechanism to update the warehouse with source related deletions.
Ø   When you run an execution plan, the type of task or workflow which will be executed will be decided based on the value of the refresh date for the primary source or primary target table, If the refresh date is null DAC will automatically choose the task with full load workflow and if there is a value available for the refresh date DAC will execute the respective incremental workflow.
Note: The tasks with _full denote that it is used while running the full load and the other task with no _full will indicate that it is used for incremental load.
If you want to view this In DAC, you can see these both workflows in Design > Tasks and select any one task and in the lower pane go to Edit tab. In Edit tab, there will be a Command for Incremental load and Command for full load and you will find the both the workflow names within these fields. The taks with _full will be in Command for full load and the other will be in Command for incremental load.



  1. Hi ,

    I wanted to know if you can seperate the Admin console on a seperate host and managed server on a seperate host .

    1. Hi
      Sorry about the delay in reply was completly submerged in winding up my book. Now the answer for the above is yes, you can have the RPD admin client on any machine you want. you only need to provide the odbc connection and you will be all set to work as if the admin client is on the server.
      Drop me a note on my gmail account if there are any further queries.

      Arun Pandey
